Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Guardian... Continued

The Guardian

This confirmed my love in Nicholas Sparks. After the first 150 pages, I found myself not being able to put this book down. I spent most of my Friday night reading and most of my Saturday morning reading it and I just now finished it. The last half of the book, Julie begins to fall for Mike. But Richard still loves her. He doesn't understand why she doesn't love him back and all he wants to feel is her love. Well she does not feel the same way. She has basically forgotten about him. Only to be reminded of him when he starts following her around town and "coincidentally" running into her. She first sees him at the supermarket where she turns down a date, then sees him at the salon where she works. He calls her house every day until she finally snaps. She yells at him and tells her to leave her alone but Richard does not get the hint. She begins to get strange calls all throughout the day, no one talking, just a blank line. Richard has been watching her every move. Scared, Julie has Mike stay with her. She eventually changes her number, frustrating Richard. He's stalking her. He begins seeing Andrea, Julies co-worker and makes Julie think shes out of his trap. The next day they find Andrea in a ditch and Richard becomes a prime suspect in a huge investigation. The cops are on his tail but still cannot find him. Richard isn't new at this game, he knows what he's doing.

I'm not going into much detail because I think anyone would enjoy this book. I've been so busy this week and I'm getting sick but all I wanted to do all weekend was finish this. It's a thriller for sure. The Guardian is going down on my top ten for sure.

**sorry this is late, i've been soooo busy and sick.**

1 comment:

  1. I love Nicholas Sparks' books, but I haven't read this one! I will definitely put it on my list!
